We’re working with the most talented students out there

Each year, we meet and work with thousands of students from UK universities, and many more from across Europe. Between the Grads In Games website, our national Get In The Game tour, our Search For A Star challenges, and the other events we take part in, we gain access to a wide variety of talented students who are eager to get their foot in the door of the games industry by becoming an intern.

We’re in regular contact with hundreds of top university students from Computer Science, Games Development, Games Art, Animation & VFX courses looking for intern opportunities within the games industry. At Grads In Games we can provide a service that puts you in touch with the ideal candidates for your studio internships.

Our Sumo Digital Rising Star challenge is for students who are specifically not yet in their final year of university and highlights the best of the best. Competing in a three stage competition designed by professionals to mimic a standard industry recruitment process, the competition is perfect for finding students who are more than capable of making a big impact in a studio before they even graduate!

Studios we’ve placed interns at include Sumo Digital, Playground Games, Boss Alien, d3t, Microsoft UK, Frontier Developments, Microsoft Rare & many more.

Don’t yet offer internships?

Let us tell you why you should. Internships can help foster a positive brand image for your company, and give you the chance to test-drive the talent, and evaluate a student’s potential for future employment. This will then help you with the hiring process further down the line when you’re looking to add a graduate to your team!

Email us at interns@gradsingames.com with your requirements and we’ll be happy to work with you to place a great intern with your studio.