Character Art Projects | SFAS22
Today we take a look at our Character Art student projects for Search For A Star & Rising Star 2022!
Character Art is always one of our most popular disciplines for entries and this year is no different! As one of the core three gamedev subjects Character art is an instrumental part of Games Development. Being able to create great Character is a huge mix of technical and creative skills, but developing them for use in games is another skill set on top of that!
For their Search For A Star projects, our student artists were asked to create a design using key themes from an industry brief, these themes were intended to inspire creativity & full freedom of expression, which you can in practice below.
A huge congratulations to everyone who submitted their projects, and well done to everyone who took part!
The Search For A Star challenges are run by Grads In Games with the support of our headline partner Rockstar, and our studio partners at Sumo Digital, d3t, Epic Games, Playtonic, FuturLab, 10:10 Games, Dovetail Games, Red Kite Games, Airship Images, Fireproof Games, Yahaha, Virtex Stadium, Escape Technology & our recruitment partners at Aardvark Swift.
Search For A Star 2022 Projects
Final year & post-graduate Masters students, graduating in 2022.
Rising Star Projects
Undergraduate students graduating in 2023 or later & college level students.
Search For A Star 2022
Games Animation Projects
Adam Bester
Falmouth University
Aga Malina
Abertay University

Catarina Florentino
Falmouth University
Chelsea Cowan
Staffordshire University
Cheyenne Burdue
Staffordshire University

Daniel Evans
Staffordshire University

Dominyka Baliunaite
Falmouth University

Dasha Marsh
University of the Arts London (UAL)
Dayna McEntee
University of Portsmouth

Lauren Jaegerlund-Knightley
Staffordshire University

Migle Ignotaite
University of Huddersfield

Nina Taylor
Glasgow Caledonian University

Rizal Mohamad Suhaimi
Staffordshire University

Ryan Kelly
University of Hertfordshire
Sarah Moerschel
University of South Wales

Sofie Jasiewicz
University of Hertfordshire
Titus Himawan Pranata
University of Hertfordshire
Veronica Campolina
University of the Creative Arts (UCA)

Vida Boudin
Glasgow Caledonian University

Yunice Liao
De Montfort University

ZoƩ Magee
Abertay University

Rising Star
Games Animation Projects 2022
Alasdair Downie
Chester, University of

Caoimhe Mcentee
Glasgow Caledonian University
Colin Daniel
Norwich University of the Arts
Daniel Munteanu
University of Huddersfield

Donald Careme
Howest DAE

Eli Collyer
Norwich University of the Arts

Emma Webb
University of South Wales

Ethan Gangotra
Huddersfield, University of

Gabriele Pukin
Huddersfield, University of

Joseph Hughes
Huddersfield University

Keelin Henley
University of Hertfordshire

Maxine Lugg
Hertfordshire, University of
Mateusz Rogalski
University of Hertfordshire

Mihai Andru Sandu
Middlesex University
Morgan Crossley
University of Huddersfield

Nikola Hladeckova
University of Hertfordshir
Rhys Taylor
Rob Cole
University of Portsmouth

Roksana Kryca
University of Huddersfield

Sierra Andrews
South Wales, University of

Tamsin Page
Falmouth University

Vincent Cabrera
Staffordshire University

Zuzana Remenarova
University of Huddersfield