Studio Spotlight 2021: Playtonic Games
Playtonic Games, founded in 2015 are not only an award-winning development studio but now also a successful 3rd party digital publisher too having launched their label ‘Playtonic Friends’ in 2021.
The company was founded by a core team of ex-Rare veterans responsible for helping launch many famous franchises such as Donkey Kong Country and Banjo-Kazooie.
The team has scaled up to 40 devs (and counting!) and have retained their indie spirit whilst also using their unparalleled experience to nurture a supportive environment benefitting junior and entry-level staff looking to join them and work on their next wave of exciting projects.
As a completely independent developer with their own IP, the much-loved “Yooka-Laylee”, they have the freedom of choice to create the games they believe in and offer staff lots of experience in many genres with a high variety of content and features and most importantly multiple games to work on. The opportunity to help create characters and worlds from scratch and foster ideas from across the team is a key pillar for what the studio can offer both creative and technically minded graduates.
Their studio culture is relaxed and empowering with flexible working, staff welfare and self-improvement all encouraged and supported through various initiatives to help individuals achieve fulfilment and take control of their careers.
The studio is entering a very exciting growth phase looking to expand operationally and take on more creative risks, backed by an incredible investor within the sector. It has aspirations to spread out from its current location in the heart of the midlands to further afield around the UK and who knows, maybe in due course the globe too!
Playtonic are ‘incredibly proud’ to be partnered with us at Grads in Games this year. Their team want to be part of providing future game developers with opportunities to enter the industry in the best health possible.
For more information on Playtonic – head on over to their website here.